“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Matthew 24:35 (NIV) The Bible is the most despised, derided, denied, disputed, dissected, and debated book in all of history. It has been under attack for centuries, for everything you can imagine. Yet the Bible is still the most read, most published, and most translated book in the world. And, most importantly, it’s still changing the lives of those who apply what it teaches. One of the reasons I believe the Bible is God’s Word is that it has survived so many attacks throughout history. At different times throughout history, it’s been illegal to own a Bible. In fact, that’s still true in some places today. Many people have been arrested, jailed, and even killed because they refused to give up their copies of the Bible. And still the Bible has survived. Despite all the attacks, today the Bible is the greatest single source for so many cultural achievements. It’s the greatest source for music, art, and architectu...